Pre-Order a Signed Copy of Paul Hirsch's new book, "A Long Time Ago in a Cutting Room Far, Far Away: My Fifty Years Editing Hollywood Hits"

Paul Hirsch’s new book, “A Long Time Ago in a Cutting Room Far, Far Away: My Fifty Years Editing Hollywood Hits,'“ is an inside look at over 50 years of Paul’s career working with the likes of Brian de Palma, John Hughes and George Lucas.
It’s a must-read for all Star Wars and film fans, and now you can grab a signed copy of the book from our store!
Paul will be at Empire Con, and we’ll be there to get these books signed (and personalized if requested) for you.
This opportunity is very limited, so if you’re interested, please order now.
In addition, we will have books for sale on site at Empire Con for you to have signed. Those numbers are limited as well.
So basically, get your order in now if you want a copy. Order from our store here.